Ideologies are like hammers

Posted on Sep 27, 2022

I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail.
~ Abraham Maslow

  1. If you only have a hammer, then everything looks like a nail. I do a job of cooking and need to chop vegetables with a knife… O people of hammer world, do not hate me for this!
  2. There are communities built around hammer. Hammer is what they lived on and thrived on for ages. That doesn’t mean drilling machines have no use.
  3. People use hammers to help or hurt people. Hammer in itself is neither good nor evil. It is not about the hammer. It is about people. Hammer was, is and will always be a medium of expression.

PS(intended): Replace the hammer with an ideology.

This is an experimentation with the idea of Maslow’s hammer.

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